September - October



Bharat Khosla taught me how to play the basic chords and slow struming on an acoustic guitar. We have been constantly practicing the struming and it is getting exstremly exciting! I didn't do the afterschool activity because I couldn't go on the days that they were running it as well as I dont own a guitar myself. He has taught me the G, A, D, C, F. I was really proud of myself and I will keep practicing and excel.

UN day:

During the UN day I was the main carrier of the flag and leader of the Swedish group. We really supported our country and waved a lot. It was very nice with the different types of food and even though we didn't have that many people, we supported our country well!



I have gone every week for DAWG and I was there as major support when we had the movie night. The movie that we watched was "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs" and the smaller kids as well as the adults really enjoyed it.

American Halloween Festival Help:

During the halloween weekend, we went to the American Embassy and helped to make the Scary House work. Bharat, Skylord and me acted as some of the scary creatures. I was first the scary clown that hide in the last room for the small kids and then I switched with Sascha for the bigger kids and was the vampire that popped out of the coffin when the people walked by!


SAISA Girl Football:

During this month I helped to teach the girls SAISA team with skills and ball control.

Referee'd Middle School Football:

Over this past weekend (28th to 30th October) I helped to referee a middle school match between OSC Gecko's and CIS. The OSC Gecko's won 4 - 2 with hard competition from the opposing team.
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